is a Platinum Sponsor covering 9 scholarships in ABLE Activator is a Platinum Sponsor covering 9 scholarships in ABLE Activator is a Platinum Sponsor covering 9 scholarships in ABLE Activator

Editor – Anna Ivanova

Why does an Influencer marketing platform support an entrepreneurship program?

The Association of Bulgarian Leaders and Entrepreneurs (ABLE - is an active community of enterprising young people who contribute to the development of the environment around them, no matter where they are. It started in 2011, and today they have more than 300 members, 50 startups, 350 events and over 18,000 visits, ABLE is growing and connecting resourceful young entrepreneurs with the professional world and realization.

Every year, with a little more luck, twice a year, 30 ambitious young people from Bulgaria have the opportunity to participate in a 6-week entrepreneurial program - Able Activator. The program connects participants with experienced mentors and provides a motivating environment for developing their ideas. Behind Able Activator is the idea of creating an entrepreneurial community of colourful young people ready to make a difference and be inspiring leaders. You can find more about the program here:

The story of the friendship between ABLE and begins with one of the founders of the influencer marketing platform.

Lucho is an outstanding example of a young leader and participant in the ABLE Activator. Having the proper knowledge and skills to create a successful startup, he decided to implement his next idea - the influencer marketing platform - Ognian Vassilev is a long-time honorary ABLE member, lecturer and mentor at ABLE Activator. In, he plays a vital role as an advisor and partner, principal assistant for developing our influencer marketing platform.

We, the team of, are constantly inspired by the ideas and achievements of young entrepreneurs, their qualities and ingenuity. We stood behind the concept of ABLE Activator as their sponsor of the latest entrepreneurship program, providing 9 scholarships for participants. We are convinced that the right step is to stimulate the young leaders of Bulgaria and make their voices heard. We support the Activator's mission to develop quality staff with innovative ideas and focus on the future.

For its part, ABLE Activator appreciates the difficulties and slow initial steps that our platform has gone through.

Today helps small and large businesses and over 300 influencers to find an effective connection to work. is more grateful to ABLE Activator for their tireless efforts, and we are looking forward to new meetings in the following program.

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