Editor - Gabriela Koleva

ROI in influencer marketing

Maximising ROI in influencer marketing - how to achieve it and why is it important?

Why is ROI such a key indicator?

You should always keep in mind that influencer marketing does not sell directly. You can make direct sales through it, but the results are not just monetary.
The real payoff in influencer campaigns is in building community and brand trust. The balance of the overall ROI in such a campaign should include itself measuring the increase in brand awareness and trust from new customers.
Influencers guarantee their audience of people who trust them and who share common interests. They bring engagement with the brand and an audience that understands about it or about a new product, service or promotion.

You can read more in our blog “Engagement and follower count

Above all, if you're a new brand you'll be interested in letting people know about you. Or, in many cases, the return that is being chased by influencer marketing is content to grow social networks.

But what kind of content would be the most effective?

Return on Investment (ROI) is a formula by which we understand if an advertising campaign is successful. The more effective a campaign is, the higher its ROI should be. And above all, results are what we are always after.

Above all, we advise you to:
  • Set clear goals for your campaign;
  • Trust the influencers, because they know their audience best.

Depending on the focus of the campaign, you can choose different content for influencers to generate:
  • Photos and videos to develop the outlook of you profile on social networks;
  • Unboxing videos are perfect when a new product is launched and we want to calculate ROI for new customer awareness;
  • Giveaways - They encourage social sharing and introduce the brand to new audiences;
  • Branded Hashtags - Be sure to include at least one branded hashtag that your influencers can use for their followers. So they can find all the information you post.

So before you delve into calculating your Instagram ROI with influencer marketing, ask yourself: what's important to my brand?
Here's a list of potential metrics to help you choose what's important to your campaign:
  • Views
  • Shares
  • Reach
  • Reactions
  • Likes
  • Engagement
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Followers
  • Sales
  • New customer reach
  • Conversions

We agree that it's tempting to track absolutely every metric, but is it necessary? For such calculations and answers to questions, you can fully trust the Influ.ai team. We can quickly understand what your needs are and what return we need to achieve so that your influencer campaign is worth the investment.

ROI- Return on investment measures the profitability of your influencer campaigns. It is calculated by comparing the revenues generated against the expenses incurred. Long story short, in this blog we'll look at how influencer campaigns can be maximised and how to get the most out of your influencer marketing investment.

As already mentioned, the results of ROI (return on investment) are different in terms of the desired results. Accordingly, the measures for this depend on the ultimate goals. If we are fighting for maximum awareness, then it will matter first and foremost how many people have seen the influencer's content. If our goal is direct sales, then it will matter how many people clicked on the link the influencer shows to buy directly or how many times their discount code was used.

Content to generate more ROI in influencer marketing

ROI metrics in influencer marketing

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