Pasos concretos para identificar influencers con seguidores falsos. ¿Cómo protegerse?

Editor– Maria Berova

Pasos concretos para identificar influencers con seguidores falsos. ¿Cómo protegerse?

How to recognize an influencer with a fake following?
El nombre "Influencer" se ha vuelto cada vez más popular en los últimos años. Los influencers, seguidos por miles de personas, comparten opiniones, anuncian productos y ayudan a desarrollar diferentes marcas.

Una de las preguntas más importantes para los anunciantes es ¿cómo identificar a los influencers con seguidores falsos? Para que una campaña publicitaria tenga éxito, los seguidores del influencer deben ser reales. De lo contrario, los anunciantes pueden perder su inversión en la campaña sin tener el efecto deseado.

¡Por eso nosotros, desde, venimos al rescate! En este artículo, te informaremos sobre las trampas de trabajar con personas influyentes y cómo elegir una persona confiable que aumente tus posibilidades de éxito.

Es fundamental aclarar que, a veces, los seguidores falsos pueden ser difíciles de distinguir de los reales. Por lo tanto, lee atentamente sin sacar conclusiones precipitadas.
Pasos para identificar a un creador con seguidores falsos.

1. Evaluar el ratio "seguidores - seguir"
El primer paso es evitar a los influencers que siguen muchos perfiles. Este es un factor seguro de que utilizan la llamada metodología de agrado masivo y seguimiento masivo. O explicado en un lenguaje más sencillo: siguen y les gusta las fotos de otras personas para recuperar su servicio.

Para saber si un influencer es falso, lo más fácil es mirar los perfiles que sigue. La mayoría de las veces, deberían ser del 1 al 5% del número de sus seguidores. Si el influencer X tiene 10.000 seguidores y sigue 4.000 perfiles, probablemente sus seguidores no sean auténticos.

2. Verifique la tasa de compromiso.
La calificación de participación es la suma de la cantidad de Me gusta y comentarios dividida por la cantidad de seguidores (Me gusta + Comentarios / Número de seguidores)

Estos números pueden variar según el tamaño de la audiencia del individuo. Este método no solo puede aplicarse en Instagram, sino también en YouTube y TikTok.

La siguiente tabla muestra los indicadores promedio del grado de compromiso según la red social y el tamaño de la audiencia. Si el influencer que eliges tiene una tasa de participación mucho más baja, es probable que tenga muchos seguidores falsos o, de lo contrario, ya no sea atractivo para tu audiencia.
How to recognize an influencer with a fake following?
3. Pay attention to the relationship between posts and followers
The more posts an influencer has, the more followers he should have. The opposite is also true. A content creator needs to publish posts and do it regularly, that is - to be active. It is hardly possible for a creator to have 12 photos and simultaneously be followed by 130,000 people.

4. Look at his stories
Another important factor is the activity in Stories - how often they are uploaded and what is their content. Popular influencers publish stories several times a day, and many of them present themselves.

The fake influencer will avoid uploading stories, or if he does, they will be without his presence in them. These are most often spam or ads you definitely don't need if you want to develop an influencer marketing strategy.

5. Do research among the profiles of the followers

If most of the influencer's followers don't have photos, their names are weird, and their followers are few, they're probably bots. When choosing an influencer for your campaign, always check the profiles of his followers!

6. Check the profiles that follow the influencer

Suppose the profiles that follow the influencer are mainly of shops, companies or bots instead of those of relatives, friends and other content creators. In that case, we are probably talking about fraudsters again.

7. Read the comments that are left under his posts
You will easily recognize the purchased comments - they are impersonal, not targeted to the specific post and very often are even in other languages. These, like "Super, cool photo!", Which are repeated under almost every photo, are most likely fake. This is a sign that the influencer is not completely honest with his audience and has climbed to this position due to some form of fraud.

8. Analyze / Track the growth of followers over time
Track the growth of followers on a given account. If they rise daily by a specific number or sharp jumps in their number, we are talking about bought followers.

9. Compare the number of views and followers
A particularly effective method - is to compare the number of views and followers.
If a post, most often a video, has views in the range of 200-300, and its followers are thousands, they are bought or completely fake. You can also view other social media profiles if any. In this way, you will conclude that the influencer will not help you.

Unfortunately, social networks are full of fake influencers whose sole purpose is to take your money and not help your campaign. As the popularity of influencer marketing grows, so does the number of cunning influencers just waiting to benefit from you. It is essential to choose carefully and study your choice well.

This was one of the reasons we created the platform! Our goal is to make finding an influencer for your campaign easier, as everything happens quickly and easily. You can find and connect with over 100 Bulgarian influencers on the platform. To learn more about all the features of, visit this page.